• Robot Pool Cleaner Buying Guide: Simple Guide to Clean Pools

    Robot Pool Cleaner Buying Guide: Simple Guide to Clean Pools

    When we bought our house I was super excited to have a pool that would now be mine only. I have “made it” according to my younger self where a pool was almost a pinnacle on a “rich person’s” house! HA! I wish I knew better than what I have learned now over the last…

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  • Experience the Best: Dive into Radiant Pools Today!

    Experience the Best: Dive into Radiant Pools Today!

    Installing a pool is a long and scary process and when you are planning on doing it yourself the task can be monumental. Even when you do decide to hire someone to do it for you, the costs, the benefits, the downsides, and challenges can be monumental. Radiant pools were created to help as a…

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  • Fiberglass Pools: Why You Can Still Get Rust Spots

    Fiberglass Pools: Why You Can Still Get Rust Spots

    Pool owners may encounter a variety of oddly colored stains on the surface of their pool over time. Dark red and rusty brown stains are two of the most typical colors they’ll notice, which, while scary at first, may not always signal that something is significantly wrong with your pool.  But why do they appear?…

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  • Fiberglass Pools: Why Depth Matters for a Diving Board

    Fiberglass Pools: Why Depth Matters for a Diving Board

    Summer is here in full force. The sun is shining brightly, the beaches are crowded, and you can’t wait to cool off in your new backyard pool. A backyard pool is a lovely luxury that provides a quick method to cool off in the hot summer weather. But what might make a pool even more…

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  • Fiberglass Pools: 5 Keys to Allow Installation on a Slope

    Fiberglass Pools: 5 Keys to Allow Installation on a Slope

    When developing a plan to design your backyard with a fiberglass pool, a flat surface to accommodate is normally needed. Such surfaces allow installers to simply grade space for your pool and concrete.  However, because many more houses are constructed in slopy areas, not every homeowner will have a flat space on their property. Some…

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  • Fiberglass Pools: Can They be Relocated and at What Cost

    Fiberglass Pools: Can They be Relocated and at What Cost

    Fiberglass pools are hand-crafted in-ground pools designed and installed in the yard. They’re made out of interwoven glad thread covered with polyester resins. It equally constitutes concrete with a steel or wooden framework that is covered by a mixture of cement, sand, water.  Fiberglass pool remains the best choice for your in-ground swimming pool. They’re…

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  • Fiberglass Pool: Impact and Advantages to Adding Heat

    Fiberglass Pool: Impact and Advantages to Adding Heat

    Some pool owners enjoy diving into a cool pool after a long day at work. Others prefer a warm, soothing swim. The climate of a place will often influence preference. Regardless, it’s good to have the option of heating a pool no matter where you live. This begs the question, can you heat a fiberglass…

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  • Warm It Up: How Long Does it Take to Heat a Pool?

    Warm It Up: How Long Does it Take to Heat a Pool?

    As we enter the pool season, there are many people that want to know how long it takes to heat a pool. This is an important question for anyone who wants to enjoy their pool throughout the summer. There are a few different factors that come into play when determining how long it will take…

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  • Fiberglass Pools: Why They Pop Out of the Ground

    Fiberglass Pools: Why They Pop Out of the Ground

    Fiberglass pools have been a popular choice among pool owners for decades. But there is one question that most people ask themselves when considering this type of pool: Why do fiberglass pools pop out of the ground? The answer to this question is multi-faceted and has more than one reason behind it. Fiberglass pools are…

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  • Impact of Leaving a Pool Robot In the Pool

    Impact of Leaving a Pool Robot In the Pool

    Pool robots are becoming increasingly popular among pool owners. They use these nifty machines to clean their swimming pools easily and quickly. But pool robots are machines and machines are prone to water damage. So, many people wonder can you leave pool robot in pool? If you leave your pool robot in the pool, it…

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  • Pool Vacuum Use [ When and How Long to Run ]

    Pool Vacuum Use [ When and How Long to Run ]

    If you own a swimming pool, one of your biggest concerns is keeping the pool clean. A pool vacuum will keep the pool clean and free of many contaminants. So, you must have a pool vacuum cleaner. First-time pool vacuum users often ask about how often to run pool vacuum.  You should clean the pool water…

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  • Adding Pool Chemicals [ Timing to Achieve Best Results ]

    Adding Pool Chemicals [ Timing to Achieve Best Results ]

    Whenever summer rolls in, a pool can provide the best relaxation and fun to your family, friends, or just yourself. But swimming pools require a lot of maintenance and you need to add a lot of chemicals from time to time. If you enjoy some relaxing moments in your swimming pool but don’t know how…

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