Pool Pump Basics: Better to Run Your Pump Day or Night

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A swimming pool pump essentially circulates water across the pool. Before reaching the spinning pump, the water goes through a small basket to remove debris. The water is pumped by having this impeller spin at a high rate.
However, it can be difficult to know when the optimal time is to run your pool pump. But don’t be worried. This article will teach you everything you need to know about deciding whether to run your pool pump during the day or at night. Read on to learn more.

Is it better to run your pool pump in the day or at night?
Typically, it’s preferable to run your pool’s pump throughout the day when the sun is shining to avoid algae blooms and because trash and impurities are more likely to enter your pool during the day. You can also save money on electricity and the total expense that would otherwise come with operating the pool pump at night.
Another option is to run your pool pump at all times of the day and night. You don’t have to run your pump continuously; instead, you can run it for a few hours during the day and another few hours at night.
Why Should I Run MY Pool Filter Pump During the Day?
It’s best to run your pool pump and filter throughout the day because this is when algae blooms, pollutants, and chlorine loss are most likely to occur. The UV rays from the sun can burn up the chlorine in your pool while the sun is out.
Algae can also bloom in the pool due to the sun. Algae are microscopic plants that rely on UV light from the sun to survive. Algae development will be slowed by water circulation and chemical treatment.
Furthermore, most people swim in their pools during the day. When you swim in a pool, you bring a variety of contaminants into the water, including body oils, sweat, body care products, urine, food residue, and so on.
These pollutants build up and contribute to the use of chlorine. As a result, after utilizing the pool, you should run the pool filter to allow the water to circulate and the impurities in the water to be taken up by the cartridge filters.
Because of these impurities, as well as the likelihood of algae development and chlorine loss, your pool is always at risk of algal bloom during the day. Therefore, running the pool filter for 6-8 hours during the day is recommended.
That isn’t all, though. There are a few things to consider when deciding whether to operate your pool filter during the day. For instance;
If You Heat Your Pool
Pool heating is typically used during the day to maximize heating efficiency. It relies on the operation of a pump (although most heating systems use a second pump to circulate the water).
If your pool is heated by a heat pump, solar panels, or gas, you should turn on the pump.
When Should You Run Your Pool Pump and Filter at Night?
Running your pool pump at night provides its own set of benefits. If you’ve shocked the pool or want to take advantage of lower electricity bills, you should run the pump and filter at night.
After a Shocking
After adding chemicals to the water or shocking the pool, you should run the pool pump for at least 8 hours at night. The purpose of adding chemicals to the pool at night is to increase the chemical’s efficiency.
When chemicals are added to water, the sun’s UV rays burn the compounds during the day, reducing their efficiency. So, you should add chemicals to the pool and switch on the pool pump at night.
This will also guarantee that the water is properly circulated and that the chemicals are well combined.
To save money on electricity
Between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m., many localities get a reduction in power costs. This means that running your pool pump at night is less expensive than running it during the day.
In fact, running your pump at night might save you up to 60% on energy costs depending on where you find yourself.
To save money on your pool pump, turn it on and utilize the pool filter at night when electricity costs are lower.
If your pool pump is making a lot of noise
Not only can a noisy pool pump or filter be annoying to you, but it can also be to your neighbors. If your pool pump creates a lot of noise, you should run it during the day rather than at night because the noise will be considerably louder.
When Should You Run Your Pool Pump All Round, 24/7?
There are times when you’ll need your pool pump to run all day and night or 24 hours a day. Having dirty pool water, algae, shocking a pool, opening a pool, or having a newly filled pool are all examples.
When the Pool Water Is Dirty or Algae-Infested
When your water is partially contaminated or has an algae problem, you’ll need to operate your pump 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to speed up the clearing process.
Using your pump for 8 hours a day is usually insufficient when you have algae or murky water. Filter the water day and night until it is clear.
The pool pump will circulate the water, which will make it simpler for the filter to collect dirt. The pool filtering process will also spread the chemicals in the water around the pool during water circulation.
When You’ve Just Filled The Pool After Filling the Pool
You should operate the pump for many hours during the day and at night to allow the filtration system to catch any contaminants in the water.
During the day, most pool owners fill their pools. If you filled the pool with well water, you should run the pool filter continuously for several days after filling it to allow the water to circulate and filter. After treating the water, you should also run the pool pump again.
In conclusion, determining when to run your pool filter will depend on many factors. You can choose to run the pool pump during the day, at night, or both times. In any case, there are benefits to be had.
But, in the end, it’s up to you to figure out what works best for you and your pool. And as always, we wish you the best!