Author: Josh Koop

  • Pool Backwashing: How Often Is a Backwash Needed?

    Your pool’s bottom will accumulate dirt and debris over time, and you’ll need to vacuum it to clean it. To do this, check the pressure gauge on your pool’s filter whenever you undertake routine pool cleaning and maintenance to see whether it is greater than normal, indicating that debris has accumulated and the filter needs…

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  • Solar Pill: Is It The Best Way to Maintain a Warm a Pool?

    Nothing beats the rush of diving into a warm swimming pool. A warm pool is pleasant and relaxes you to take a dip and do a few flaps before heading to work in the morning. Unfortunately, keeping your pool heated is a daily battle against the elements if you’re like most pool owners. Finding the…

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  • Pool Backwashing: Where Does the Backwash Water Go?

    One concern of pool owners is where to dispose of backwash water. This becomes even more complicated if a disposal system is not previewed during the pool installation. The water pumped from the pool when you backwash a pool filter or vacuum a pool to waste does not return to the pool, so there must…

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  • Pool Pump Basics: How Many Hours Does a Pump Run?

    Pool Pump Basics: How Many Hours Does a Pump Run?

    If you are a pool owner or are considering buying one, one of the first questions you may have is how long to run the pump. Some people believe that pool pumps work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but this is just not entirely true. While it is possible to leave your…

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  • Fiberglass Pools: Adding Beauty and Style With Tile

    Fiberglass Pools: Adding Beauty and Style With Tile

    Tiles can give your pool a peculiar look and your backyard attractive to look at. They’re known for adding beauty and style to your pool in a relatively straightforward method. Regardless of the design you like, tiling a fiberglass pool is a simple project that does not necessitate extensive technical knowledge.  Among the questions pool…

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  • Pool Pump Basics: Should You Run Your Pump in the Rain?

    Pool Pump Basics: Should You Run Your Pump in the Rain?

    Pool pumps are designed to withstand rain, and it is advantageous to run your pump during or after a rainstorm. So if you’re wondering if you should run your pump on the rain, the straight answer is Yes! if you want to keep your pool in good condition, you can run the pump while it’s…

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