Why Seal Outdoor Travertine Pool Decks To Extend Life?

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You’ve just installed your travertine pool deck and now wondering whether or not they need to be sealed. They are popular for their toughness and resilience. So, is sealing even necessary? Why should you even do it in the first place? Well, as it turns out it kind of is necessary, and here’s why.
‘Sealing’ is a protective layer of coating that helps against staining and discoloration of the travertine. As with time saltwater, chemical water, and the sun fades out the natural color from the pavers, sealing comes in handy. It will help you to keep your pavers vibrant and attractive for a lifetime; while also preventing the growth of mold and bacteria.
You can get your travertine pool deck sealed by professionals or even by yourself. Whatever you do it is surely worth investing your time or money or both. Keep on reading to learn more on why should you seal travertine pool decking and how?
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Why Should You Seal Travertine Pool Decks?
If you want your beautiful travertine tiles to last a long time, then as mentioned, sealers are the choice for you. Everything needs maintenance, so invest some time behind the pavers too.
If you want to decrease the time you spend cleaning this porous limestone, then read the following reasons why you should consider sealing your outdoor pool decks with sealers!
Acts as a Barrier
Imagine you are having a party at your new travertine pool deck, and someone spills their drink on it. Not only will it leave a stubborn stain, but it will also leave scratches from the broken glass.
However, if you had sealed your pavers, then neither of them, would have mattered. The drink would not have passed the barrier the seal created on top of it. Hence, no stains or scratches.
Enhances Colors of the Pavers
There are commonly two types of sealers for travertine- a) Enchanted and b) Natural. The first one would darken the pavers’ natural colors, by also giving a wet or glossy finish.
While the second one would keep the travertine looking just as they are, by keeping their rugged texture intact. So, depending on what you want your deck to look like, you can choose from these two kinds.
Prevents Deterioration from Salt Water
If you live around the ocean or happen to have a saltwater pool, then your travertines must need sealing.
As these are natural limestone, it heavily reacts with saltwater, because of the sodium chloride in salt. You will notice the pavers get flaky and come off very easily. Rainwater too damages the travertine because calcium carbonate makes the rainwater too acidic for them.
Stops the Natural Crumbling
Travertine is naturally a brittle structured stone. Hence, it crumbles and cracks very easily, if not handled with care. It is quite difficult and exhausting to keep an eye on pavers every day.
So, if you seal them after the installation process, you will at one go, reduce your labor and prevent them from the gradual break-down. A reminder- fix the cracks as soon as you can.
Keeps Them Clean
For their porous structure, travertine not only absorbs water from the pool, but it also absorbs the dirt with it. With time, it gets impossible to clean. As a result, the natural color changes to a darker color for the dirt stuck within the holes.
So, a sealer would stop these unwanted situations from happening. It also helps to stop the bleaching process that happens for the Sun.
Stops Mold and Bacterial Growth
The pores on the travertine are also a perfect place for breeding bacterial and viral growth. With time the growth will eventually spread to more areas and can cause many diseases.
Just washing the travertine with soap water is not enough to get rid of these parasites. So, sealing the pavers is one of the best ways for preventing growth in the first place.

The Process of Sealing Travertine Pool Decks
Sealing is comparatively an easy process that you can execute all by yourself. However, it is advised to call a professional if you have never done this before.
A word of advice- you should never seal your chipped or stained travertine tiles as it will not give you a smooth outcome.
If you want to know the process of how do you seal outdoor travertine, then follow the steps below!
Step 1: Clean the Pavers
Your first step of sealing is to thoroughly clean your travertine pool deck pavers. Always clean it with soft stone cleaners or gentle dishwashing soap. A soft-bristled brush can be used to scrub the deck.
If you have cracks on your pavers, fix them before they double in size with time. Remove debris and wax that are usually left behind with travertine after the installation process.
Step 2: Dry the Surface Completely
After cleaning the deck, it is best to leave it for drying for at least 72 hours. It is especially important for pool deck travertine pavers because these tend to be more absorbent in nature.
A dry surface will make it easier for you to spread the sealer evenly. Wet travertine might release air bubbles from the pores, after being in contact with the sealer.
Step 3: Apply the Sealer of Your Choice
After making sure your deck is perfectly cleaned and dried, apply the sealer of your choice. You can find them at local hardware stores. Pick the sealer according to the type of your travertine.
Next, spread the sealer evenly on the entire surface with a paintbrush, and by following the instructions. It is best to follow the package’s method because it can vary with different brands.
Step 4: Remove Streaks and Droplets
After the first coat of the sealer, with the help of a spatula, you have to remove the excess droplets and streaks it leaves on the edges. It will dry faster and ensure a smoother finish.
It is best if you put the second or third coat after the first one is completely dried. Leave the first coat for at least 24 hours, before applying the other coats by following the same process.
Step 5: Test If the Sealer is Ready
After your desired number of coats has been dried, you should check them before stepping on them. Splash some drops of water and if the water does not get absorbed, then your sealers are ready.
So, this is the stage where you can stop worrying about destroying your precious stones. No liquid, no sharp object can damage your travertine now for at least 3 years!
Will Sealing Make Your Travertine Pool Deck Slippery?
Well, it depends. As mentioned before there are two types of seals for sealing travertine. Natural and enhanced.
As the name implies the natural seal does not alter the travertine natural look and texture. So, they maintain their grip even after sealing.
But, enhanced seals, even though they make your travertine look shinier and more eye-catching also make their surface smoother. Which makes your pool decks slippery.
So, if you are worried about people slipping and hurting themselves, I advise that you go for natural seals. Especially, if you have children or any elderly in your household.
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To sum up, sealing is important if you want to keep your outdoor travertine pool deck intact for a lifetime. Everything needs a little protection and maintenance.
Even though materials like travertine. If you want them to remain new and vibrant as long as possible then proper sealing is a must.
Not only does it protect your pavers from discolorations, scratches, and deterioration, it also prevents dirt and bacterial growth from forming inside its pores.
So, all in all, this is a very good deal to keep your beautiful travertine intact. I hope this article has helped me find your answers regarding why should you seal the travertine pool deck.