Fiberglass Pool Lifetime [ Understand Expected Lifespan ]

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Fiberglass pools are all the rage these days. They are super affordable and are slowly becoming more and more popular each year. But you might be wondering how long it will last you as any new buyer would. So, how long will a fiberglass pool last?
Known for being highly durable and long-lasting, fiberglass pools can last from 30 up to 50 years at a time. They require lower maintenance than other pools. But this longevity is only possible if you choose a reputable manufacturer and install it properly.
But that doesn’t quite wrap up the fact that the pool will last without any labor or hard work being put into it.
There are a few things you need to look into and have an even better understanding of the longevity of the fiberglass pool before you go blow your precious bucks which I will cover in this article.
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The Longevity Of The Fiberglass Pool
If you already have your sights on a perfect fiberglass pool, you won’t necessarily have to worry about your pool’s longevity. But for new pool owners, it might not be as easy.
A newbie will never be as efficient as a veteran pool owner. Besides all that, you need to have a better understanding no matter what you purchase.
When you have a closer look and truly understand what fiberglass pools are made of, you’ll finally understand the reason behind their long-lasting qualities.
With the inclusion of high tensile fiberglass, you are experiencing ground movement without any cracks or damage. It will easily be able to last more than 30 years
There are many more factors that contribute to its longevity. Two of the most important factors include the manufacturer and the proper method of installation.
If you’re buying the fiberglass pool from a well-known manufacturer and installing it properly, you’ll have no problem making your pool last long.
When you pick a renowned manufacturer, you’re essentially purchasing all the highest quality materials that are being put into your fiberglass pool. They will also perform a thorough check-up before they put it up for sale.
But that is just half of it. The installation process is just as important. It needs to be precise and done with care, so you don’t end up with spider cracks or other damages along the road.
And the final element that you must take into consideration is how well you take care of your pool after the purchase. This is an investment that you must spend your time in.
And by spending time, I don’t just mean using it for your enjoyment. You must also spend a good amount of time taking care of it if you wish for it to last long.
And when you get all these aspects checked out, you’ll no longer have to feel guilty or worried about not taking enough care of your pool.
Fiberglass Longevity Compared To Other Pool Materials
Fiberglass pools will be between 30 to 50 years old given that you take good care of it of course which is far higher than most other options.
Vinyl and concrete are the other two popular options in this case. So, let’s take a look at how they compare to fiberglass in case of longevity.
Vinyl pools have been around since the mid-50s. So, they’ve been around for a while and certainly made backyard parties all the rage during that time.
But when we take a look at its durability, being disappointed is inevitable. Vinyl pools last up to six to twelve years which is not even close to fiberglass pools with their outstanding durability.
Some might try to argue that vinyl pools are very cheap to own so that makes up for the lack of durability. While the cost part is very true, if you think about the long run, you won’t benefit in any other way.
Especially when you think about all the maintenance costs that it will put you through. So, what’s the use when it won’t even last that long?
Concrete swimming pools are quite popular as well. And given that they last longer than vinyl swimming pools, it’s quite tempting to own one.
However, when you take a deeper dive, you’ll notice that it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. A concrete pool needs and is very much required to resurface every decade.
If it does not get the proper resurfacing, you won’t be able to utilize it properly. And because of this resurfacing issue, you’re now looking at higher maintenance fees and more of your precious time.
Not to mention the huge amounts of chemicals that it’ll require when compared to a typical low-maintenance fiberglass pool.
How To Increase The Longevity Of A Fiberglass Pool?
To increase the longevity of the pool, you need to take good care of it and make sure that it’s maintained appropriately. This includes checking the pool’s water chemistry, frequent and thorough cleaning, maintaining the water level and other similar constituents.
Checking Pool’s Water Chemistry
The motionless surface of the fiberglass pool ensures its low maintenance and chemical adjustments. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t require any proper maintenance now and then. Especially if you want it to last up to 30 or 50 years.
When you own a fiberglass pool, you need to test the waters regularly so that you know that all the chemicals are in balance.
First of all, get a proper testing kit which you can use regularly. The pH balance and alkaline levels need to be checked and noted.
When you’re testing the water sample, make sure the sample is being extracted from at least 18 inches below the pool.
Every month, be sure to also check on the calcium hardness, metals, and cyanuric acid levels. If there’s a water issue that you can’t solve, get a professional pool dealer to check the sample.
Frequent & Thorough Cleaning
When it comes to cleaning, fiberglass pools require the same method as any other inground swimming pool. And that’s mostly brushing, vacuuming, and overall skimming.
But as the surface of the fiberglass pool is very smooth, you need to be a bit gentler with the brushing and scrubbing. And use gentle cleaning products to not damage the gel-coat and disturb the balance.
You should use nylon bristles so that you don’t scratch the surface. If you find any debris in the pool, remove them using a skimming net.
As you brush the pool, all the dirt and debris will sink to the bottom and collect in the filter. You can remove that with ease.
If you’re dealing with heavier dirt, a vacuum suitable for fiberglass will get rid of that easily.
Water Level And Surface Maintenance
Maintaining the water level and cleaning the surface is just as important as the previous constituents. If your water level is too low, it will cause damage to the pump. And if it’s too high, your skimmer won’t be as effective.
Regarding the surface of the pool, it’s common for it to get polluted with body oils, suntan lotions, etc. You can easily remove these contaminants by using a rag or a non-abrasive cleaner.
Normally the surface of the pool gets dull and prone to damage after some time. And if you’re not maintaining it properly, it’s likely to happen at a much faster rate.
So always make sure that you’re providing the pool with proper care.
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Frustrated trying to keep your pool clear? Feeling confused about when to add the right chemicals? Get the perfect easy-to-use, illustrated ebook and video course today!
Now that we know how long will a fiberglass pool last, we can conclude that the lifetime of a fiberglass pool is more than most pools in the market right now.
Do fiberglass pools deteriorate? Of course, they can and do, but with just a little maintenance you can enjoy significant longevity from them.
As we come to the end, I appreciate and thank you for giving this article a read. Wishing you a very good day ahead!