Are you a pool owner? Or have you just started a swimming pool business? In both cases, you should be putting a considerable proportion of investment in your swimming pool’s sanitation and cleanliness. Clean and pure water is the hallmark of a good swimming pool. No one likes pools with a high level of toxicity,…
When you get your first pool you may wonder what the reason is for purchasing a pool robot and how it helps a pool owner out. Well, there are multiple needs that are filled as to cleaning and de-gunking along with a host of other benefits that a pool cleaning robot accomplishes. So, why buy…
We all love to take a dip in the pool, especially on those hot days of summer. For others, it’s not just leisure but a talent or even a career. The bottom line is pools are nothing less than awesome, so do you really need a pool guy to manage your pool correctly? A pool…
It is human nature to always seek out and return to the natural state of things. Our swimming pools are no different. For generations, we have used chlorine to keep our pools clean. In recent years more people are turning back to saltwater pools so are saltwater pools hard to maintain? There isn’t a significant…
Temperature, especially in the Winter, can be extremely unpredictable. If you already possess a pool in a hotter climate, unforeseen freezing conditions and harsh winter weather could be significantly detrimental to the pool, particularly if you are unprepared. So you just had a pool built a little over a year ago. Winter is on its…
Swimming pools are as refreshing and pleasurable as they are often difficult to maintain. Owning a property with a pool entails maintenance and repairs, but unforeseen harm implies unforeseen expenses. Pool surfaces are prone to damage, leaving builders wondering how much money they’ll have to spend during this time. If you’re worried about the overall…